The following is a reference on the capacities available and how they could be used.
- 64 MB (1200 pages of text, 40 photos and 4 MP3 music files)
- 128 MB (2400 pages of text, 80 photos and 8 MP3 music files)
- 256 MB (4800 pages of text, 160 photos and 16 MP3 music files)
- 512 MB (9600 pages of text, 320 photos and 32 MP3 music files)
- 1 GB (20000 pages of text, 640 photos and 64 MP3 music files)
- 2 GB (over 40000 pages of text, 1200 photos and 128 MP3 music files)
- 4 GB (over 80000 pages of text, 2400 photos and 256 MP3 music files)
- 8 GB (16000 pages of text,4800 photos and 512 MP3 music files)
- 16GB (32000 pages of text,960000 photos and 1024 MP3 music files)
- 32GB (64000 pages of text,1920000 photos and 2048 MP3 music files)
- 64GB (128000 pages of text,384 000 photos and 4096 MP3 music files)