In Nairobi, Kenya, there is a 500,000 resident slum, Mathare, where there is no school system, water supply or even basic sanitation. Except for the “street” schools, people living there have no other access to the most basic learning facilities, so only 10% of the local youth manage to reach college or other form of […]
We are sure that you already know about travel routers or at least heard about them. They are little and cheap Wi-Fi routers powered by USB and can fit even into your pocket. Asus WL-330NUL This is one of them and it requires less space than a pack of gum. It is very versatile, as […]
Most of the USB flash drive users see them just as devices only good for storing or sharing digital data, but not much else. USB sticks are not simply expandable, because with a little creativity and knowledge, these little gigabytes file carriers, have a lot more potential. Among their many uses, while browsing over the […]
At this year CES we have seen a lot of wacky but interesting gadgets and some of them we’ve presented in some of our previous articles. Today we are going to present you another set of devices that are bringing the future closer and make the present feel like sci-fi. We will focus more on […]
Today, smartphones come in all shapes and sizes and to find the right charger for the one we own can become a maddening scramble. But all this may come to an end as European politicians backed up a regulation to force smartphone manufacturers to use for their devices just one type of charger. Universal […]
To keep up with the trend generated by the announcement of the new USB 3.1 connectors, Intel is coming with the Thunderbolt 3, which also promises a smaller connector and double the speed of the previous versions. But the release of this new technology will have to wait a while, most probably until 2015 at […]
Since we’ve started our USB adventure, mostly due to our passion of technology, our goal was to provide to our customers the most appealing and effective brandable USB flash drives. So, as the market changes its preferences and technology advances, occasionally we have to put some older designs aside, to make way for the new […]
Mobility is the future and until the new USB 3.1 standard will be fully implemented, our external storage devices have to be able to be used in any circumstances. Today, we don’t have content only on desktops or laptops. As we’ve started to use more and more smartphones, tablets and other smart devices, mobile storage […]
Maybe you have heard about the, the extra secure and private e-mail provider that Mr. Snowden used. This service has shutdown rather abruptly, not to comply with the US government requests about the Snowden connections. Talis Operating System But we will not go into further details with this story, as we’d like to talk […]
In the last years, the USB storing technology advanced pretty fast. At the CES in 2013, the Kingston Technology, Inc. ‘s HyperX Predator of 1 terabyte USB flash drive had its debut. Kingston HyperX Predator Even now, this huge USB stick is still not quite affordable. With a Lighting Deal from the popular shopping portal […]
If you travel a lot, portable chargers are very useful, even necessary. Everyone loves to have their USB devices charged on the go, without the need of having an electrical outlet available. Just hook up you smartphone, laptop or GPS, put it in your bag and go. But the problem appears when you need to […]
Thanks to the new Corning’s optical cables, USB 3.0 connections are advancing to light speed transfers and, none the less, longer distances. With stretches of up to 10 meters, the USB 3.0 optical cable has transfer data speeds much higher than the standard copper ones. Plus, unlike the standard cable, which could only run for […]